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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  August 1, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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made them perform oral sex on him. you may remember earlier this year, the principal at the elementary school was found guilty of not reporting suspected child abuse. once again, chandler will be back in court on september 27 to be facing a sentence of 75 years in prison. >> thank you, marianne. this is in oakland. b.a.r.t. workers are assembling, preparing to march on headquarters. the protest after another day without a deal. cheryl herd joins us with the latest on the march. not a lot of progress made today it seems. >> reporter: not a lot today because negotiations ended earlier. hundreds are expected to show up here at the plaza tonight. it's 14th and broadway. that's the location many protests have taken place in the
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past. as you can see, union members are setting up for the labor rally in support of b.a.r.t. workers. a strike could happen at midnight on sunday. both sides were at the table earlier today, but negotiations ended early, so union members could attend. labor unions and community organizations from all over northern california are expected to be here. even members of the occupy movement said they will be here tonight in support of b.a.r.t. workers. that's why oakland police are concerned, unlike last time when things got out of hand during a march in oakland. police say this time they -- >> trayvon martin protesters plan to meet with the already organized union who plans to do their own rally and have their own messaging that they want to send. so we have received information. again, we are prepared. we've increased staffing.
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you will see increased presence. >> reporter: police have vans lined up and ready in case they need to detain people who are not here for a peaceful march. once this rally is over, they're going to march from here to b.a.r.t. headquarters. we'll have an update coming up at 6:00. reporting live, i'm cherryl hurd, nbc bay area news. it's david versus goliath. the city of richmond is staking on oil giant chevron. richmond will sue over last year's refinery fire. the mayor confirms a lawsuit will be filed tomorrow morning. the fire last august sent 15,000 people to local hospitals, and city leaders say it cost richmond millions in emergency response and caused property values to plummet. if mayor says the city has an obligation to take legal action. >> we want to make it clear that
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we the people of richmond and the city council as a whole y unanimously are making sure chevron is held accountable for the harm they have done to us as a city and community. >> chevron says the city's decision to pursue a lawsuit is a waste of resources. >> it's a music video gone viral. the california band is being accused of releasing one of the most racist songs in recent memory, titled "asian girls." now the band is losing business. stephanie troung joins us now. >> reporter: we're talking about an asian woman dancing around in skimpy clothes as five guys in a band sing about asian girls and use the phrase slanted eyes.
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the lead singer said they never intended it to be sexist or racist, but some are saying apologies are too little too late. ♪ >> reporter: the song kicks off with a chinese melody before the band is revealed and the lyrics begin. the latest single "asian girls" has gotten attention from across the country, but not the good kind. the music video posted on youtube has 250,000 views. slammed, though, accusing the band of being racist and sexist. the lyrics include phrases like "slanted eyes." >> it comes from a good place. we've all had close relationships with the asian community. there's guys in the band with asian women. it's just hard to believe that
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we're getting hit with this back hash. >> reporter: the asian woman in the video is an aspiring actress with more than 100,000 likes on facebook. on twitter, she apologized several times saying it was meant to be light hearted and fun and called the band members sweet boys and not racist. butted a sl ed a voadvocates fo american community are not laughing. >> they said they wanted to push the boundaries, but by pushing the boundaries, there can be thousands if not more around the nation who are going to say it's okay for me to push the boundaries. >> reporter: the band was set to headline in august at the house of blues in l.a. but then came to social media. people went on the facebook page of house of blues and started a
5:06 pm petition demanding the band be dropped and that's what happened this afternoon. the lead singer telling me there will be a statement posted later tonight and that the band will be dropping the music video off of youtube for good in 48 hours. a wild run through an east san jose neighborhood terrified that neighborhood and ended with an arrest. officers with guns drawn surrounded the suspect on cinderella way, keeping him at bay for a couple of hours. san jose s.w.a.t. team was then called in and found the man after a house-to-house search. the suspect is in his 20s. he allegedly shot up a check cashing shop in an attempted robbery this morning. police then chased him into the nearby neighborhood. >> i heard my brother-in-law, get up, get up, three times. >> when i told him to get out, he said okay, okay, i'll get out. >> reporter: he listened? >> he listened. >> police retrieved the gun he used during that robbery attempt.
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new details about a frightening attack near santa clara university. a man assaulted a female student on the corner of lexington and main at 1:30 in the morning. a police dog was able to track the suspect's scent but lost it on the campus. investigators are trying to figure out if the attacker used a weapon. a follow up to another attack in a different south bay university. police at san jose state telling us they arrested 21-year-old christopher bowen in connection to an on campus beating that sent a 22-year-old man to the hospital. police believe the attacker and victim did know each other. the victim taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries. it was an emotional day inside of a cleveland courtroom as ariel castro was formally sentenced. he's admitted to raping, aggravated murder and more. however, today, he said the sex was consensual.
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jay gray joins us from that courthouse in cleveland. castro spoke at length and seemed to be deflecting the blame here. >> reporter: yeah, it was a rambling, at times delusional diatribe from castro. part of what was an emotional and often disturbing day in the courtroom. the prosecution detailing the horror that these women had to endure for so long. ariel castro offering some type of explanation. while one of his victims said today she may some day forgive but she'll never forget. wiping away tears, michelle knight, for the first time since her escape, shared the same room with the man who held her captives and terrorized her for more than a decade. >> i will live on. you will die a little every day. as you think about the 11 years. >> reporter: daily, physical, mental and emotional abuse,
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outlined by prosecutors who showed the inside of what they call ariel castro's house of horrors, where the three were violently assaulted, starved and chained so they couldn't leave. now it's castro who is shackled and will never see the outside world again. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: in a rambling statement, castro blamed an addiction to pornography for his actions, talked2mq about being happy, responsible person and called the situation a normal family and insisted he's not a violent man. >> i'm not a violent person. i did not prey on these women. [ inaudible ] people were chained up, windows were covered. >> reporter: several times, castro interrupted the judge, who then told castro "you have
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extreme narcissism" before sentencing him to life plus 1,000 years in prison. during and after the hearing today, judge russo honored the victims here, calling them amazing survivors and heroes. live in cleveland, i'm jay gray, nbc bay area news. >> okay, thank you very much, jay. still to come at 5:00, allegations in the asiana air crash. why the feds are getting complaints about people preying on the victims. a phone that listens to you talk and reacts. the newest addition of the smartphone market. >> >> you probably know it as the jetson building. it turned 50. and good afternoon. i'm jeff ranieri in the nbc bay area weather center. sunshine today across the interior valleys. by all accounts a gorgeous day. but you can see the fog off the coastline. we'll talk about this weekend and how cool it will stay at the coast in just a knew minutes.
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allegations of ambulance chasing surfacing in connection with last month's asiana crash at sfo. the ntsb has received complaints that attorneys have contacted passengers anticipating a lawsuit. the ntsb has taken action against a chicago firm, referring it to the illinois bar. edward snowden has asylum in russia for a year, angering the obama administration. russia issued snowden a refugee passport today. the white house is suggesting it might bow out of a planned summit with russia's president. snowden who admits leaking details about nsa programs is
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wanted in the united states to face espionage charges. no word on where he is tonight. his attorney says his location will be kept secret for security reasons. the temporary asylum can be extended indefinitely. perfect controversy. sales of "rolling stone's" magazine with the alleged boston bomber doubled over last year. the magazine featuring dzhokhar tsarnaev was boy cocotted by stores, but the magazine has doubled its sales from a year previous. the boston bomber killed two people on the initial day and another officer later. more than 260 were also injured, including a 12-year-old boy. the clock stuck 12:01 this morning and gay marriage became legal in two more states, minnesota and rhode island. they're the 12th and 13th u.s. states to recognize same-sex
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marriages. in minnesota, you see it here, couples began exchanging vows at midnight with the mayor of minneapolis officiating. the national gay rights group freedom to marry estimates that about 30% of the u.s. population now lives in places where gay marriage is legal. motorola unveiled a new smartphone today. one way it's trying to set itself apart, customization. there are more than 2,000 combinations of case colors and each a wood cover. the new line includes headphones, speakers, cases and docks. the phone runs on android and features technology like touchless voice control. the starting price, two-year contract, $199. netflix making movie watching more personal. your kids have cued up smurf's
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prefer to watch something else. it has up to five people on the same account to custom ize movies, meaning meryl streep fans don't have to wade through recommend nations. there's no added cost for profiles. do you commute alone or car pool? more than half of bay area residents drive solo to and from work. a live look now at the interchange in san jose. although traffic is a problem here in the bay area, we have made progress. the study shows the solo driving trend is getting lower as time goes on, and the bay area has the most public transportation users in the state. uc berkeley professor says some of the reasons people drive by themselves because people are living in suburbs and others need their cars to doer rands. a korean war veteran had been laid to rest.
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sergeant first class joseph steinberg was taken prisoner in 1951. the military recently recovered his remains. today, his family held a funeral in san bruno. the army presented his family with a purple heart and bronze star. he was buried with three brothers. the fight against the west nile virus ramps up in the south bay. for the second time, crew also be out in force in north san jose. you see the map here. they're going to be fogging for mosquitos. the fogging will begin at 11:00 tonight and will take several hours. the vector control district says west nile is very active this year. it's the beginning of august, also the start of the wine harvest in napa. our chopper was overhead this morning as grape picking began. this is one of california's top
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producers of sparkling wine. growers say a dry spring led to an even earlier harvest. >> cheers. >> let's bring in jeff ranieri. our forecasts a we get towards the weekend. >> if you've ever been out there, you can just sit out on the ratio, get a wine tasting, you don't even have to spend a whole lot of money up in the north bay. we did have that fog machine going this afternoon. winds right now, 15 to 30 miles per hour up against the coastline. that was good enough today to get that cooling breeze into our interior valleys. fairfield and 33-mile-per-hour wind gusts, mountain view at 24. it's helped improve the air quality, so it's going to stay good throughout the next 24 hours and it's looking better. let's get a first look. we will stay fogged in at the coastline. not too much expected for the
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interior valley. temperatures starting off in the mid 50s. 11:00 a.m., temperatures in the low to mid 70s. a lot of sunshine in the east bay to the south bay. hd skycam a network, crystal blue skies. we've had all that smoke from the oregon fires trickling down. right now that on shore flow is winning out. off to the north, in palo alto, you can see something. the past few days, visibility was cut down to about 500 and 1,000 feet due to the haze and smog. and in emeryville, the marine layer is creating a gorgeous shot up to ant 1,000 feet. fog factor forecast for tomorrow does not have everyone highlighted. the key areas with that fog and cloud cover will be the coastline. san francisco, santa cruz counties, also for the north bay, as well. here is another difference for the afternoon throughout your
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friday. up in the north bay, sunshine. mainly san mateo county at the coast expecting the most fog here throughout friday. temperatures will go up a little bit more for tomorrow, with warm air off to the south. it's starting to override a little bit of that fog. 84 in san jose. gilroy, 85. warmer as well for the east bay. about 3 to 5 degrees increase from today. 84 in livermore. 78 in caster valley. 67 in san francisco to 83 in napa. any kind of major summer heat is going to continue to get thwarted here. we have the jet stream off to the north, keeping our temperatures very temperate throughout the weekend. saturday and also sunday. we'll go slightly warmer but not extremely hot. mid to upper 80s. seths by the bay and 60s at the
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coastline. this is chamber of commerce weather. no matter where you're headed this weekend, it's looking good. that means i get today off. >> can i go with you? >> of course. >> i'll be here. coming up, a habit that just might burn you. the behavior that could be hurting your bottom line. what this bay area otter did to make herself a name.
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any age, no restrictions. starting today, women and teenage girl also be able to buy the morning after pill right off store shelves. most pharmacies spent the night
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moving the medicine to the family planning aisles. the government did attempt to keep an age on the emergency contraception but lost its court battles. if you want to make more money at work, just quit smoking. researchers found that smokers on average learn less than nonsmokers. smoking just one a day is enough for the smoking wage gap. smoke breaks lowers productivities and leads to more sick days. a mom frolicking at the beach with her child at the beach doesn't usually make the headlines except for this otter. she gave birth to her first pup last year. it's the first seem a sea otter
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rescued from an oil spill is known to remove. now olive is raising a second pup. she was rescued in 2009. she got her name because of the olive oil used to remove the tar from her fur. >> she's so cute. back in a moment with a milestone for a south bay land mark.
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silicon's valley is cashing
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in. >> let's bring in scott budman with two different stories. >> jessica and raj, let's start with a huge amount of money coming in. this is the silicone valley online jobs site that's been so successful. this afternoon, revenues came in for linked in better than expected. linked in is building a new office in sunnyvale just down the street from the bank ofat t west, that's been called the jetson building. the cool funky bank is celebrating its 50th birthday today with long-time customers and employees, remembering what it was like to take care of business in a simpler time. >> i would sit at my desk in the window and the customers would honk because they could see me. i would wave. i would know where they would
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going, or they would circle around, back in and come in to say hello. >> sit a pretty well designed building, even though most of the street is building up for new high tech clients. they have no plan to alter the building in the foreseeable future. many tell us when they started banking there, they passed orchards on the way to the bank. >> i grew up there. it was all cherry orchards there. >> now just buildings. all the buildings, as good as they are, are just sort of flat structures. this stands out. >> unique. we want to get back to our developing news. in oakland, the rally is gaining steam. it's the unions supporting the b.a.r.t. workers. workers could strike monday morning. they plan on marching towards
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b.a.r.t. headquarters. >> that's going to do it for us. on our broadcast tonight -- judgment day for the man who held three young women captive for a decade. a dramatic day in court as one of the women bravely confronts her captor and the man described as a monster is allowed to speak at length. walking free, despite warnings from the u.s. not to do it. russia has given a home to nsa leaker eard snowden and the showdown with the u.s. just got worse. >> new parts. the choice millions of us are making to get out of chronic knee pain and get new ones installed. tonight, dr. nancy snyderman on one of the most popular surgeries for americans. some who put it off for far too long. and making history. a woman who has already broken barriers now on the verge of going where no woman has ever gone before. "nightly news" begins now.


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